QF Global Network provides you with a physical street address and a designated POBOX address in various countries, which is exclusive for your use. You can order merchandise from many available merchants and have it delivered to your physical street address. Furthermore, you can receive letters, magazines and other correspondence at the POBOX. QF Global Network takes care of transporting all merchandise and correspondence to your destination country including customs clearance, as long as these comply with legal and customs requirements by authorities, both in the country of origin as destination country. By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to accept the Terms and Conditions as outlined herein.
You agree to pay all charges imposed by the Government of the destination country, agency and/or carrier charges, all customs clearance charges, import duties and insurance, delivery, storage charges in regards to your packages and correspondence. You understand that these charges are not included in the freight charges.
Even if you give different payment instruction, you will always be primarily responsible for all charges associated with correspondence and packages that you receive, including freight charges, import duties, fines, brokerage fees and all expenses related to non-payment. You understand that this also applies for mail and packages that you did not request (for example junk mail), were opened or in a damaged condition or the contents failed to correspond to the items you ordered. All payments for services rendered and applicable charges should be received in full before or upon pick up or delivery of shipments. Import Duties have to be paid in advance.
From Miami, we ship twice a week and When payment is not fulfilled, QF Global Network reserves the right to withhold any and all shipments until FULL payment is received. You agree to pay 2% interest charges per month on the outstanding payment. After a period of 45 days, you give us permission to sell the shipment by public or private sale of which the proceeds will be used to cover charges and expenses. If any balance of your payment remains after the sale, you will still owe it to us.
Freight charges are calculated on actual or dimensional weight of shipment, which ever is greater. QF Global Network reserves the right to assess transportation charges based on volumetric standards. Dimensional weight is calculated by :length x width x height of each package (all in inches) and dividing by 166. If the dimensional weight exceeds the actual weight, transportation charges for the shipment are based on the dimensional weight.
You agree not to have the these materials shipped to your address: currency, human remains, drugs prohibited by law, jewelry, precious metals, firearms and ammunition, alcohol, tobacco and tobacco products and hazardous materials, that are prohibited under regulatory departments of country of origin, or which are prohibited under the dangerous goods regulations issued by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Any violation or charges incurred will be your sole responsibility.
Packages shipped by USPS are not processed at the USPS office but transferred to a facility called the ANNEX. Upon receiving these items for the sorting process, the Annex scans the items as ?delivered? and that scan is shown on the USPS website. That is why the tracking result is misleading as the package is not delivered to the physical address. Since we are not required to sign for the packages, we cannot be responsible for any items shipped via the USPS under any circumstance.
QF Global Network may inspect any shipment, including the opening of packages, to determine the adequacy of packing, or the existence and/or extent of damage, or the accuracy of the description of the contents, or the acceptability of the shipment for transportation.
We reserve the right to refuse any shipment, which by reason of the dangerous or any other character of its contents is liable in our judgment to soil, taint, or otherwise damage other merchandise or equipment, or which is economically or operationally impracticable to transport, or which is improperly packed or wrapped; or it is prohibited by any local or international laws.
It is very important to submit your address correctly and in full as given to you. It is your responsibility to provide your correct address to companies, merchants, family etc that is going to send merchandise/correspondence to your address. Providing the wrong details will cause delays with your shipments and possibly even refusal at your address.
Regardless of any declared value for transportation, the liability of QF Global Network shall be limited to US $100.00 (Dollars) per shipment for incidents including, but not limited to, any loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, non-delivery, misinformation, any failure to provide information, or mis-delivery of information, or otherwise adversely affected, while shipment is in our possession or during pick-up and delivery. We shall not be liable for any interruption of service due to a cause beyond our control including, but not limited to airline delays, flight cancellation and climatic conditions, or to strikes, lockouts, or labor disputes. In addition, we shall not be liable for: improper packaging or incorrect marking of shipments, incorrect declaration of shipments, held in customs, or if the interruption or delays causes loss of income or loss of business opportunity. We shall not be responsible for packages and correspondence not received at the postal street address assigned to you.
In case of damage to the shipment?s packaging (i.e. boxes, envelopes etc.), a notation shall be made on the airway bill as received in such condition. No claims can be made with QF Global Network in regards to these damages. QF Global Network does not accept any claims for damage to the contents of the shipments. Claims should be filed with the shipper by you.
All of our services and charges are subject to change without notice in response to cost increase and or any other factors that might affect the service. Please review the current service and charges information regularly. No rate change will affect the conditions of the Terms and Conditions for the time of its validity.
It is your responsibility to let us know, in writing, when you will stop using your address to receive mail and packages as you will still be responsible for any and all charges resulting from arrival of any mail and packages to your address. You are in charge of re-directing your correspondence from the moment of termination of the QF Global Network service. QF Global Network reserves the right to end the services without any liability when the client does not pay the invoices on time, according to the terms of this Agreement when the client gravely fails to comply with and of his/her obligations
Regardless of any declared value for transportation, the liability of QF Global Network shall be limited to US $100.00 (Dollars) per shipment. We do not provide insurance coverage for merchandise valued over $100.00 (Dollars).
We make no warranties, express or implied, and expressly disclaim any and all warranties.